Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Liebster Award No.2

A couple of days ago I got nominated to do the Liebster Award (for the second time!). I'm very thankful that Sam nominated, it really does mean a lot so thank you so much! 

Here are the rules:

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Answer the questions from the nominator
3) Nominate other bloggers with less than 200 followers
4) Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer
5) Notify nominees through social media/blogs 

Onto the questions....

1) Do you have a favourite quote? What is it? 
I have two quotes that I L O V E: 'If you're sad, add more lipstick and attack'
                                                                           'If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your                                                                         face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely'

2)What is your favourite social media? Why?
Instagram! I love seeing what people are doing/thinking/seeing through pictures. I'm very addicted to instagram...quite unhealthy if I'm honest! 

3)If you were given £100 to spend on anything you wanted, what would you spend it on? 
I think I would get myself new highstreet makeup. I'm desperate to get my hands on the NARS Sheerglow foundation and the Zoeva Vegan brush set so I think I'd definitely get those two things and then maybe some bits from MAC and NARS. 

4)What is your favourite genre (book or film)? 
Hmm....a mixure between comedy and romance. I am a sucker for a romcom! 

5)If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
Amsterdam. I went once and instantly fell in love with everything, it's such a beautiful and rich in culture city. I love it there. Although, I'm not great at speaking dutch so that would let me down....

6)What was your favourite subject in school (if you had one)?
I'm studying 4 subjects at the moment, the joys of A Levels, so I could answer this in two ways. My favourite subject at the moment is psychology - it's so fascinating and interesting. My favourite subject lower down the school was either drama or music. 

7)If your house is on fire and only material items were inside, what 5 things would you save? 
This is so tricky but I would save:
1) Year 11 prom dress
2) Roberts Radio (does that count?!)
And I think I'd just save as much textbooks/folders from boring but I can't imagine losing all that work before my exams! 

8)What is one thing that not many people know about you?
I have a disney figurine collection. I get one little figurine every Christmas and Birthday and have been since 2012. Maybe I'll do a blog post about it one day....  

9)What is your worst habit?
This is SO gross but whenever I'm really stressed/anxious, I pick the skin around my's something I've always done and it's so annoying and awful. 

10)What is your favourite place to shop?
At the moment, Misguided or Romwe. 

11)What is your one thing to accomplish in 2015?
I want to get good AS grades that I'm genuinely happy with. That's the goal. 

1)What was the first makeup product you ever bought?
2)If you could have dinner with one person in the whole world (dead or alive), who would it be?
3)What is your all-time favourite film? Why?
4)What is a piece of clothing that you will always go back to?
5)Are you a Disney fan? If yes, want is your favourite Disney moment ever? 
6)If you made new years resolutions, have you stuck to them? 
7)Would you change anything you did during your school life?
8)What is your favourite holiday destination? 
9)Do you watch Youtube? If yes, who is your favourite Youtuber?
10)Why did you start your blog?
11)What is your favourite getting ready song? 

And that's it! I hope you enjoyed this blog post and thank you again to Sam for nominating me..this has been so fun. 

Have a lovely rest of the week.

Love Hannah


  1. Nice to get to know you! I like your favorite quotes and I'm a sucker for romcoms, too :) I was coincidently just thinking about maybe doing a post on my fave chick-flicks/romcoms. Thanks so much for nominating me, I'm loving your questions!

    1. hehe what a coincidence! no worries, thank you :)

    2. hehe what a coincidence! no worries, thank you :)

  2. thank you for nominating me. I will definitely be posting my post up over the next few weeks! Keep an eye out when I do so you can see what my answers are to your questions, thanks again! Tabitha x

    ps. You have a lovely blog, feel free to follow me on twitter, would know to get to know you better.

  3. no problem! thank you and will do:) x
