Sunday, 13 September 2015

How To Manage Studying And Blogging | Lifestyle

Managing Studying and Blogging - it may sound simple, but unless you've tried you will never understand. 

I started my blog last year when I was in the early stages of my AS levels which, of course, are incredibly tough and time-consuming. Anyone who's gone through a levels won't deny that. So I had NO idea that blogging would take up so much of my time and I had to be devoted to my studying because a levels are pretty darn important! Throughout the year I felt like I gradually became a lot more successful at managing my time and finding the balance between studying and blogging, although it was difficult as I would MUCH rather blog that study for obvious reasons.

For me, keeping that balance wasn't something that I could just get away with lightly, in fact I had to find different ways to either take a break from studying and do something on my blog or the other way round (most of the time it was this way round!). As I undertake on what many say is the 'hardest year of your life'; A2 levels,  managing studying and blogging is something I really need to keep up and for those of you in the same position as me, or finds it hard to balance different priorities, I've put together my top 4 tips for managing studying and blogging:

1) To Do Lists Are Your New Best Friend
Strangely, I have become quite obsessed with creating to do lists. They're so perfect at getting realistic about what you need getting done and when. It's also so satisfying ticking/crossing a task off when it's finally done. 

2) Create A Timetable
 Nothing screams 'I am organised and can manage my time well' than a timetable. By creating a weekly timetable, you'll be able to manage what needs to be done for what day or what you're doing on each day so you're able to work out when you're free/not free to write a blog post or finish that essay and get it completed swiftly!

3) Be Realistic and Fair
As much as I would like to think that I can get 3 essays done, 4 blog posts written and revision for a test completed in a weekend. It's just not realistic what-so-ever. Make sure you understand how much you can actually do, not how much you'd like to do. Also, if I'm blogging and I know that I actually have an essay due in tomorrow then this isn't being very sensible and so prioritising more important things, like school work, is going to be a lot more realistic than taking photos for a post! 

4) Use Time
By this, I mean recognise how long things are going to take and prioritise the longer-taking tasks. So, and essay would normally take me around 2-3 hours so I would have to prioritise this over writing a blog post which would take much quicker than that. Time is your friend! So use it wisely!

Love Hannah

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