I love doing my eyebrows, I'd say it's my favourite part of any make up routine. They can instantly finish off a look and really shape your face (what a cliche thing to say, but it's true!).
I've tried numerous different eyebrow products, from pencil to eyeshadow but it's not until recently where I've found the perfect product to do so: Archery but Soap & Glory. I did a whole blog post dedicated to this wonderful product, which you can see here.
Using this and a couple of other products, here is how I create some great eyebrows (if I do say so myself).
To tam those brows, I brush them out with an old spoolie brush that I've had for years, hence why it's looking pretty awful. I wouldn't say my eyebrows are the thickest, or bushiest but I like making sure that I have the shape I want before applying any product.
I start of by using the felt tip side of the product so outline the top and bottom of my brows. This just makes sure that I know exactly where I need to fill and it also makes the whole look look a bit more neater. Also, the felt tip side is perfect for this bit because it's so precise and easier to rub off if you make a mistake!
Time to fill in the gap! I mainly use the pencil side for this bit as I prefer how it looks compared to using the felt side, however occasionally in areas that are maybe too small to fill in with the pencil, I'll use the felt tip very carefully, not pressing too hard, to fill in these spaces. With the pencil I use a very steady hand, taking as much time to create little hairs rather than just colouring the gap in. This way, it looks that little bit more natural and less sluggish.
Personally, I like having the beginning of my brow a lot lighter and less filled in that the rest of my brow. This again will make it look a little bit more natural as you do have less/lighter hairs at the beginning of your brows. So, using the spoolie again I'll brush away from my face to blend/spread out any product that was at the trop end of the brow. This is very difficult to explain, I'm doing an awful job but the trick is to just keep on going in with a little bit of product at the top end of the brow, then keep on blending it out with the spoolie...you'll get there eventually!
Now that my brows are done, I'll go in with a very small flat concelear brush and a little bit of concelar and line the top and bottom of my brows. This will do two things 1) neaten the look up, cleaning any mistakes that were made and 2) highlight the brow-bone. I love a highlighted and neat brow so this step in a must for me!
Nearly done.... To set my brows in place, I use a clear masacra to do so. Obviously there are eyebrow gels etc. that'll do this job but this product was cheap and honestly, I just wanted something that'll do the job and this does!
(How creepy is this picture?!)
I'd also like to take this time to say I hope you had a lovely Easter weekend, whatever you were up to, I hope it was good!
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